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Stress - Essay Example A few people begin battling when they are worried as a traditionalist measure, which is called battle and the thir...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Plan For A Start Up Sunrise Cafe Restaurant †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan For A Start Up Sunrise Cafe Restaurant. Answer: Introduction The aim of the current study is to prepare a business and marketing plan for a business start-up that are intending to initiate they are business in the Cafe restaurant industry of Australia. The various types of Cafe including coffee, capacihnios and all other kinds of snacks are quite popular these days among Australian population. The new start-up company in this sector, which is named Sunrise cafe, is aiming to make full use of the business opportunity. Restaurant start up is aiming to become a part of the Australian Lifestyle, where the people are dependent upon various types of cafe. It is also expected that the Cafe Industry of Australia is growing at a rapid rate due to the high demand of people. It is important for the Sunrise cafe to implement effective marketing plan by analysing the internal and external environment in order to capture significant market share. The current report will focus upon providing possible organisational structure and objective of the company, which will help them to establish themselves as one of the reputed band in their sector. Organizational Structure According to Fan et al.,(2013), organisational structure is an important component within a company that helps to decide how all the major business operation will be controlled and supervised. The entire process of task allocation and coordination are being controlled with the help of organisational structure. The Sunrise cafe company need to have an effective 0management team as a part of their organisational structure. The management Team should consist of member, which will consist of managers having experience of at least 5 years of working in the coffee sector. Hence, it will be possible for the company to decide upon the marketing plan and also use inventory that are needed to decide upon the pricing of the products (Ashkenas et al., 2015). It is also possible for the company to decide upon the business strategy, which is needed for a start-up company. This can help them to gain significant market share and thereby able to gain competitive advantage. There will be a separate team employed by the company, whose duty will be conduct marketing research of Coffee Industry in Australia and collect relevant data that are needed in the process of implementing business plan. The research team will conduct survey among the consumers of Australia and get an idea of the demand and expectation of the people before they launch the products in the market. There will be separate finance team, who will make the planning for expenditure and the budget of the company. They will also predict the profit level of the company for the next 5 years. It is also essential for them to prepare contingency plan that need to be implemented during the time of crisis. For each cafe there will be head cook or chef, who will be in charge of the restaurant kitchen. It is the duty of the Chef to ensure that all the food is prepared properly and good quality of the food is maintained. There also will bartenders, who will look after the needs of the guests within the restaurant (Davis et al., 2013). Mission and Objective of the Organization The main mission of the Sunrise Cafe is to provide unique style in the preparation of the food. The company will also aim to introduce new style of cafe, which will bring about innovation within the respective sector (Fuller, 2016). Original mission statement is an important component of marketing, which the restaurant to attract most of the coffee lovers of Australia. It is important to mention in the context the brand mission of the restaurant will be addressed with the help of the mission statement (Campbell et al., 2016). The restaurant will aim to introduce various type of service within the cafe chain. There will be option of online ordering the food which will help them to increase the total amount of sales. The Ambience of the restaurant will also help the guest to enjoy the moment with food and thereby spend some relaxing time with friends and family members. The principles of product life cycle will be implemented by the Sunrise cafe chain. In the introductory stage, it is essential for the company to focus on branding techniques, which will help to increase the popularity of the product among the target customers. At subsequent step, the restaurant will fix up on the pricing of each of their food items (Bartlett Twineham, 2013). In order to gain market share and gain advantage, it is essential that the pricing are kept at lower level. This is believed to be one of the effective ways to attract customers from Rival companies. Effective promotion techniques will also be applied in order to raise the level of awareness among target group of customers. It is important to mention that, at the initial stage of product life cycle, the main aim of the company is increase their popularity with the help of effective marketing techniques. Hence, it may not be possible for the company to make profit. The objective of the Sunrise cafe restaurant can be noted as follows: To bring about innovation in the process of making cafe that will aim to provide unique taste to the food. To prepare food and drinks in a healthy manner, which will not compromise upon the safety level of the customers? To capture 5% market share of Australian Cafe Industry within the next 2 to 3 years. External and Internal Business Environment It is essential for all business start up to analyse the external condition of the market of respective domain in order to implement effective marketing plan and fulfil the needs of the target group of customers (Dibrell et al., 2015). This can be achieved by using effective marketing tools of internal and external analysis. The test analysis tool will be used by the Sunrise cafes, which will aim to analyse the political, economic and social background of the Australian people. The stable form of government in Australia is one of the major contributing political factors that can help any form of start-up within the consumer market. The government has also initiated various investment policies or the start-ups, which will help the Sunrise cafe in the process of implementing the business plan in free and fair manner. The legal matters related to the business of food also need to be followed. It is important to mention about the Food Safety Act of 1991, which was implemented by the government in order to ensure that the quality of the food that are being sold by the restaurants are checked properly. The food safety regulations is aimed to minimise the risks of food contaminated diseases (Handford et al., 2015). With the growing economic condition of Australia,it is possible for Sunrise to expand their business in a short period of time. It is also possible for them in this context to attract maximum number of customers owing to the fact that there are no financial constraints among most of the people in Australian society. The people within the society of Australia are dependent upon the consumption of cafe. It is generally popular among people of corporate sector and younger generation individuals. Nevertheless,due to the fact that people are becoming health conscious,it is essential for Sunriseto use healthy nutrients,where the risk of catching up with chronic diseases are minimised. The use of the technology is also one of the essential components of restaurant business. Due to the high technological infrastructure of the Australian society it is easy be possible for Sunriseto use the public digital media in order to deal with their promotional activities. It is essential for Sunrise tomake best use of the business opportunities that exist within the Australian Cafe Industry. It is expected that within the next 5 years the overall revenue of the Cafe Industry will be doubled. Nevertheless with the growing competition in this sector,there are various risks of losing competitive advantage from the cafe giants like the Aroma Caf and 212 Blu which currently captures nearly 50% of the Cafe Industry in the Australian consumer market (Garcia et al., 2014). There is also the risk of losing competition from major Cafe giants of the world including Starbucks and CCD, which also has a significant market share in Australia. Business Practices The business to customer communication method is the best type of business practices that can be implemented by the cafe restaurant. This type of business practice will help to ensure that Sunrise is able to reach out to a wide range of customers. Effective business research practice will also be implemented which will help the company together important information relevant to the Cafe Industry. This is done with the help of effective research method thatwill be a part of their business practice. The company will use the theory of 7Cs of communication that is used in the cases related to improving the level of inter communication across the stakeholders of the organization. The elements of the 7Cs of communication theory in the business practice helps to improve upon the professionalism within the business. The parameters of the 7Cs include the following: Completeness Conciseness Consideration Clarity Concreteness Courtesy Conclusion In concluding note it can be said that it is essential for Sunrise Cafe to understand the Cafe Industry of Australia by conducting effective research work. It is also essential to implement the research methods that will ultimately help in the process of making business plan. The Australian Cafe Industry is currently offering huge opportunity for all business start-ups. Nevertheless, it is important for Sunriseto analyse the internal and external environment of business in order to make most use of the opportunity and deal with the risk using effective business practice. References Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., Kerr, S. (2015).The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. John Wiley Sons. Bartlett, D., Twineham, J. (2013).Product Life Cycle.In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 1914-1920).Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Campbell, J. D., Jardine, A. K., McGlynn, J. (Eds.). (2016). Asset management excellence: optimizing equipment life-cycle decisions. CRC Press. Davis, B., Lockwood, A., Pantelidis, I., Alcott, P. (2013).Food and beverage management.Routledge. Dibrell, C., Fairclough, S., Davis, P. S. (2015). The impact of external and internal entrainment on firm innovativeness: A test of moderation. 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